
Teach kids to dream big. Teach kids to have high expectations. Do it and it can change the world! It will definitely help kids grow, build skills and discover what they are capable of accomplishing. Here are 7 easy and fun steps that will help you teach kids to dream big. The steps focus on use of the song Big Ol’ Dream!

Have kids:

1. Read the lyrics to the song Big Ol’ Dream!

2. Watch, read, and listen to the song’s Karaoke video

3. Learn key vocabulary from the song by completing the Keyword and Definition Match game


4. Solve the song’s Clueless Crossword puzzle


5. Solve the song’s Word Search

6. Discuss one of their big dreams and complete the Dream Big Statement and Goal Sheet


7. Take the Dream Big Pledge


Here are three additional steps you can take.

8. Read the storybook Sammy’s Big Dream

9. Complete the workbook for Sammy’s Big Dream

10. Review Sammy’s 12 Steps for Making Big Dreams Come True

If you would like more ideas and activities on how to teach kids to dream big, OR on how to become a Sammy Rabbit Dream Big Reader Leader, please contact us!

Additional Reading

7 Organizations Who Teach Dream Big Philosophy

What it Means to Dream and Do Big!

8 People Who Think It Is Important to Dream Big and Why